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VR headset doesn’t show on my computer

Note: This is only for the Oculus Go and Quest

We experienced that some EZ360 users have issues when trying to access the Oculus Go via their Windows PC. For example when they want to put videos on the Oculus Go. It could be that your PC does not recognize the Oculus VR headset when plugged into the computer. Often this happens after you have put your VR headset into developer mode.

Fix: Follow the steps below

1. Download the latest version of adbGUI (https://github.com/labo89/adbGUI/releases/download/2.0/adbGUI_2.0.zip)

2. Unzip the folder

3. Double click on “adbGUI”

4. Check in the Oculus Go if you need to give permission

5. Your Oculus Go should now be connected succesfully.

Thank you for reading this article. If you’re new to us, definitely make sure to checkout EZ360, our software has helped out many organizations with their VR content. If there is anything unclear, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help.

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